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    Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 7 » USBDeview 2.25 Portable
    USBDeview 2.25 Portable
    USBDeview 2.25 Portable
    USBDeview - демонстрирует перечень когда-либо включать к USB портам суперкомпьютера конструкций ( флеш-карта, подвижный телефон, принтер и т.д. и т.п. ) , при всем этом выводятся данные о времени последнего подключения, описания устройств, их серийные номера, VendorID и т.д. Полученную информацию можно экспортировать в файл форматов Text/HTML/XML.
    USBDeview is a small usefulness that lists all USB twists that are presently associated to your calculator, as well as all USB twists that you antecedently applied. For each USB twist, exteneded entropy is exposed: Twist name/description, twist type, serial number ( for mass storehouse twists ), the date/time that twist was lent, VendorID, ProductID, and more...

    USBDeview besides appropriates you to uninstall USB twists that you antecedently applied, and unplug USB twists that are presently associated to your calculator. You can besides apply USBDeview along a outback calculator, equally retentive equally you login to that calculator with admin exploiter.

    USBDeview doesn't want whatsoever initiation process or extra DLL files. Merely copy the executable file ( USBDeview.exe ) to whatsoever booklet you like, and run it. The main window of USBDeview will display all USB twists established on your calculator.
    You can select one or more tokens, and then unplug ( disconnect ) them, uninstall them, or merely preserve the entropy into text/xml/html file.

    USBDeview Editorials Description:
    · Device Name: Specifies the device name. For some device, this column may display meaningless name, like "USB Twist". If the device name is meaningless, try to look at the Description column.
    · Device Description: The description of the device.
    · Device Type: The device type, according to USB class code.
    · Connected: Specifies whether the device is currently connected to your computer. If the device is connected, you can use the 'Unplug Chose Twists' option (F9) to disconnect the device.
    · Safe To Unplug: Specifies whether it's safe to disconnect the twist from the USB plug without unplugging it first. If the value of this editorial is rightful, and you desire to disconnect this twist, you must first unplug this twist by applying the'Unplug Chose Twists' option (F9) of USBDeview utility, or by using the 'Disconnect or Squirt Ironware' utility of Windows operating system.
    · Drive Letter: Specifies the drive letter of the USB device. This column is only relevant to USB flash memory devices and to USB CD/DVD drives. Be aware that USBDeview cannot detect drive letters of USB hard-disks.
    · Serial Number: Specifies the serial number of the device. This column is only relevant to mass storage devices (flash memory devices, CD/DVD drives, and USB hard-disks).
    · Created Date: Specifies the date/time that the device was installed. In most cases, this date/time value represents the time that you first plugged the device to the USB port. However, be aware that in some circumstances this value may be wrong.
    · Last Plug/Unplug Date: Specifies the last time that you plugged/unplugged the device. This date value is lost when you restart the computer.
    · VendorID/ProductID: Specifies the VendorID and ProductID of the device.
    · USB Class/Subclass/Protocol: Specifies the Class/Subclass/Protocol of the device according to USB specifications.
    · Hub/Port: Specifies the hub number and port number that the device was plugged into. This value is empty for mass storage devices.

    Возраст выхода: 2013
    Платформа: Windowpanes XP/2003/Vista/7
    Стиль интерфейса: EN
    Размер: 1 Mb

    USBDeview 2.25 Portable

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